Forfatter: Frank Andersen

Working Holiday

Farm Work in Australia

When you come to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa you have several options for work:
1. If you want to extend your stay with a 2nd year WH Visa you’ll have to do 88 days of qualifying Farm Work or similar accredited work
2. If you’re not staying on, you can take whatever work you want
3. Or you can choose not to work at all, but travel for up to 12 months, where the standard Visitors Visa only allows for 3 months.

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Working Holiday

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Hvert år søger over 100.000 unge mellem 20 og 30 år om Working Holiday Visa til Australien. Dette giver mulighed for at tage arbejde i kortere eller længere tid i de 12 måneder visumet er gyldigt. Udfører du minimum 88 dages ‘Farm Work’ kan du ansøge et 2nd year Working Holiday Visa som giver ret til at arbejde og rejse i yderligere 12 måneder.

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